Recently, a Yale University graduate student, Annie Le, went missing. And when I say "recently," I mean five days ago. Even more currently, police in Connecticut believe they have discovered her body in the walls of the university's lab room. It has NOT been officially identified as her body quite yet. But considering Le swiped her ID card that morning, and her leaving was never recorded despite 75 or so cameras, the police have a "hunch" it is her. They had no trouble finding the body, as they had more than 100 local, state, and federal police searching the premisis using blueprints for any possible spot where the body could be hidden.
This is Annie Le, and on the right is her entering the campus before her disappearanceShe was a doctoral student, with her whole life ahead of her. I think that is just terrible that a young girl such as herself must have her life ended short at someone else's fault. And here is the worst part, she was supposed to get MARRIED today. Double whammy of terrible-ness. It is a true nightmare, and it makes me sad to hear about this kind of stuff, but I think her story must be relayed onto the unknowing public.