Healthcare Blog

Image and video hosting by TinyPicThe basic insurance company profits from getting more money in premiums than money they have to pay out for people who get sick/hurt. Health insurance works by you paying them money in advance, or premiums, in case you get hurt. If you don't get sick/hurt, they keep the money you gave them. And if you do get sick/hurt, your health insurance company pays part of your medical bill for you. In some cases, the insurance company will also pay to make sure you don't get hurt or sick (by paying for check-ups, etc., for you). How much and for what the insurance company pays for (coverage) varies by policy. However, In most cases it is very expensive, and because of this, not everyone can afford it. For example, my mom pays $550 a month for something that may never be needed. But if we do need it, it's there.Obama's plan to reform includes expanding coverage, improving quality, lowering costs, honoring patient choice and holding insurance companies accountable. Or so he says. What they're really pushing for is a system similar to the single-payer system in Canada. We are told it is not, in fact, going to be a single-payer system, but there is no public option.Obama wants to reform the health care system because the number of uninsured Americans is growing, premiums are skyrocketing, and more people are being denied coverage every day. He also believes it will help rebuild our economy. But what if it doesn't?Many people are against Obama's plan. They believe it will take away many of their personal freedoms, which, in a sense, is very true. The more control the government has, the more they prod into your personal life. Or, ignore it completely. Watch this video.
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