There is a recent discussion about Obama's Health Care Plan. He is trying to make it so everyone is able to afford Health Insurance and can have it. The cost of Health Care has doubled in the last 8 years, making it that much more difficult for people to afford it. Obama's plan is to reform the whole health care system. He would start off by expanding coverage, lowering the costs, and improving the quality. He would then have to promote technological and scintific advancements. We would have to help people promote the ideas that they have about cures for deseases that have been killing people for years. Obama also wants to improve preventative care. Preventative care means that you prevent sicknesses before you get them by vaccines or changes in your life style. I'm not sure what he means by "change in your life style."He is doing this to help and save lives for the people who can't afford it, but yet he is still for abortion. This does not make any sense to me at all. To me, I think he is trying too many things he can handle. This will get a lot of people questioning why he is doing this and make them wonder about higher taxes. Higher taxes will definately make the people who can afford it angry. For those who can afford it, will have to pay higher taxes for the ones who can't afford it, which means the ones who can aren't getting any benefits from this reform. Everyone having health care is a good idea, but I don't know if it is going to make people happy, and how is America suppose to work together as a nation if this health care reform angers the people who already have it?I think the fact of everyone having health care is a great idea that way you can afford hospital bills if you get sick, injured, or just need a checkup. For one night staying in a hospital for some kind of health condition, usually costs between $3000 - $5000 - which includes nursing care, medications, diagnostic tests, and food. Not many people are able to afford that without being insured. For just one week in the hospital costs at the minimum $50,000. How many people are able to pull that out of their pockets? Not too many with the economy the way it is right now - which is also maybe a problem for health care. This would be a huge move for America, and I'm not sure if we can handle it. I think Obama should start worrying a little bit more about that, and the other things like health care will fall into the puzzle when it's ready.There are many pros and cons about this topic. I would have a hard time choosing if it really is a good idea or not.