Just like most High Schools across the country, Westside High School in Omaha, Nebraska, is getting into routine with this year's football season. Just this week, ten percent of Westside's student body called in sick, meaning football season may be a little different this year, for there is a large fear that contact sports like it may be perfect for speading the flu, H1N1."Once you get out here and kids start sweating and getting in close combative positions, anything could happen," quotes the school's Athletic Director, Bob Reznicek. Reznicek says that you may not be able to prevent everything, but he hopes to prevent the spread of the illness and be ahead of the game.A few years ago the school made policies to prevent spreading of germs. Instead of sharing water bottles the players use disposable paper cups. The players are required to shower in the locker rooms after practice and after games as well.Athletic Director Kelley Hood of Millard North High School says that they are using the same health percautions at their school. Hood also says that they are encouraging that all students stay home if they are sick, and they are encouraging teachers to send sick students home as well."We don't want one kid, one of our kids, infecting forty or fifty others. Then that becomes a big problem." Hood quotes.The worries of the flu spreading on the field will be present for most players and their families. We can only hope for a healthy season this year."When you're down facing someone six inches away, it's a little hard to keep the spit from flying," Dr. Trevor Van Schooneveld of University of Nebraska Medical Center said .