,2933,545720,00.htmlA 22 year old girl from the University of Nebraska-Omaha died from the H1N1 flu virus. Reports from colleges have many students not attending classes. 80, 100, and 23 are some. The vaccine for the H1N1 virus will be availiable in October. 10,000 doses of the vaccine will be shipped to these schools. It is unlikely for teachers to tell their students not to come to school, but this flu season, if you arent feeling well they want you to stay home.Ten things to know about swine flu.1. Dont Panic. It's nothing more then the regular flu season so far.2. People more at risk involve pregnant women, children under 2, people with health problems, teens, and young adults.3. The first to get vaccinated are people 6 months to 24 years old, pregnant women, health care workers.4. You need two vaccinations. It takes 2 weeks to be preventable.5. Only go to the hospital if you have a temperature above 100 degrees, body aches and pains, headache and vomiting and diarrhea. If you go with just a common cold, you could leave with something more.6. WASH YOUR HANDS OFTEN7. You cant get it from eating or handling meat or pork. It's spread from person to person.8. The vaccine is being tested before it comes out to make she its effective.9. If you are in the group that could possible get swine flu, get vaccinated early. Students should be able to get vaccinately at school, permission forms will be avaliable.10. If a symptom occurs, stay away from crowded areas.