As most of you know im sure, the eight year anniversary of our tragic September 11 just occured last week. Only days after the anniverary of 9-11, Bin Ladan attacked America again, only this time in words. Bin Laden doesn't like how President Obama is running our country. He claims that President Obama and the white house are running the American vs. Afghanistan war with the same plan that former President George W. Bush and former Vise President Dick Cheney."Rather than fighting to liberate Iraq — as Bush claimed — it (the White House) should have been liberated," Bin Laden said.When Obama took over as President of the United States, he retained many of the Bush administrative and miliatary leaders, such as Defense Sectretary Robert Gates, "reasonable people knew that Obama is a powerless man who will not be able to end the war as he promised," From Bin Laden.Bin Laden also states that Obama does not end the war as promised and continues to fight, Bin Laden will keep it coming and they will continue to fight back."If you end the war, so to it," bin Laden said. "But if it is otherwise, all we will do is continue the war of attrition against you on all possible axes."