Yay my first blog of the year!My older sister Annie took this class her freshman year, so I kind of had an idea of what it was going to be about. Today in class Mr. Bruns explained how we had to have two blogs done every week; one blog of our choice and one of a topic chosen by him. Then he explained to us that at the end of the semester we would know alot more about about current issues going on in the world.I never knew I had an interest in what was going on in our world, inlcuding politics; untill last year in history when the election was going on. It was really interesting to hear the views of the different parties, and the debates between the canidates. Mr. Bruns showed us a picture of Obama that looked liked the Joker today in class. At the bottom of the photograph was the word socialism. The picture was comparing Obama to the Joker, and how he relates to socialism. I'm not the biggest fan of Obama, but I didn't feel his picture fit the message. For the remaining part of class Mr. Bruns explained his website and showed us how to make our own accounts.3madison