February 24
- Political Systems
- Dictatorship
- Ex- Hitler
- Can be good
- Democracy
- Direct
People who allow peoples opinion
Minority people get in trouble the most
- Representative
More efficient
- The people have a say
- Monarchy
- Absolute
- Constitutional
Whose queen or queen is constitutional
Power is limited
- Communism
- Theory
- Practice
- First country in communism- Russia
- Economic Systems
- Capitalism
Businesses owned by people not controlled by the government
The harder you work the more you get payed
The richer get richer and poor get poorer
The weakening is the rich get most the money
- Socialism
is just the opposite of capitalism
the school is a socialism because the government pays for us to go to school
the strength is everyone is equal
Tuesday February 25
- Anarchy and Oligarchy
Anarchy has No government
No control
Oligarchy is controlled by not many people
Ex, 5,6,7
- Or somewhere in between? 3rd parties
- Human party
- When did it start?
- Why did it start?
- What is its platform?
- Delegate is an active member of the party
- Done during caucuses and primaries
- Super delicate- former presidents, members of congress, party chairs
- The human party started in 1970
- It gained strength the following next year, ratification of the 26th amendment to the constitution that gave 18-year old’s the right to vote
- It solves proposes real life solutions to real problems for people living in America and throughout the world today.
- The Humanity Party’s proposed Constitutionprioritizes and controls all Government administration, budgetary concerns, and spending for the benefit of all humans. Tax-Free social programs [FBNL] are funded by monies collected from a Consumption-Based Taxation.
- The Humane Party is a United States national political party with a focus on animal rights and a sustainable economy.
- The Humane Party emerged in 2009 as the U.S.'s first vegan, abolitionist political party.
- November 1, 18-year vegan and Humane Party CEO Clifton Roberts announced his candidacy for president of the United States
- The party's goals include abolishing the property status of animals, banning the genetic modification of animals and uncontained release of GMOs into contact with the natural environment,
Wednesday February 26
Corona virus is being spread by many ways
- Coughing
- People coming to school sick
- Not washing hands
- Non disinfecting things
- 80% have little to no symptoms
- A person should have low worries about this virus
- 2% of the people who have this die
3 athlete girls family had a lawsuit against transgender people attending in girls track races
Friday February 28
- Americans biggest company
- Apple
- Coca cola
- Gerly electric, was the original dowel jones
One of the originally
If this is doing well the stock market will do well
Over the last 4 days they lost over millions of dollars
- Microsoft
- Walmart
- Lots more
- February 29 is leap year and it is not every 4 years
Monday March 2
- Amy closure dropped out and Andrew yang
- The polls look like Berny and bidden will have a good day tomorrow
- Berny is in first
- 16 states are up tomorrow
- 538 electors
- Election of 1824
- John Quincy Adams
- Lost by 44,804 votes
- Election of 1888
- Benjamin Harrison lost by 95,713 votes to Grover Cleveland
- Election of 2000
- George W. Bush lost
- Election of 2016
- Donald Trump lose by 2.8 million votes to Hillary Clinton but won EC
- Laissez-faire system
- Favor a limited role for government in society and believe that people should help themselves, not rely on the government
- Favor lower taxes