Monday- The Federal Reserve is a system of banks that support other banks in times of crisis. It also controls the amount of money in circulation. Because of the great depression, many people lost millions, and many people became unemployed. Causes of the great depression were, overproduction of goods, people in debt because of buying on credit, farmers struggled in the 1920s due to over productions of crops for the war effort, taxes benefiting the rich, and the high tariffs in the 1920s. Hoovervilles were places where people who lost their homes lived.
Tuesday- The Dust Bowl was very hard on farmers. There were also grasshopper plagues. Hordes of jackrabbits that would eat everything. Insects would get into peoples houses. Dust storms would get into peoples houses and it could cause respiratory problems if you breathed it in.
Wednesday- Workday
Thursday- Dust Bowl Video
Friday- Workday