Extra Credit Blog- Ashley Knowles

My extra credit blog is about the battle of Mons. In WWII the Germans invaded Belgium on August 3rd. The British troops from the BEF( British Expeditionary Force) had crossed to Europe on August 14th. The BEF was led by Sir John French and by the time they had got to Belgium they were behind schedual.Sir John French wanted to approach with caution until he and his force met up with the French Fifth Army which was led by General Lanrezac. Both of the forces wanted to meet up in Charleroi.The BEF was outnumbered. The BEF had 70,000 men and about 300 artilery guns and the enemy had 160,000 men and about 600 artilery guns. MY opinions on the Battle of Mons is that the Germans and the Belgiums should just have a peace treaty and they should never have fought in the first place. So yeah this is my extra credit blog about the Battle of Mons hope you enjoyed.
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  • The topic was supposed to be post 1945.
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