Books are being pushed aside for digital learning and gaming centers. Staff at schools are now using blogging and twitter instead of the old school Dewey Decimal System. Authors, publishing houses, librarians and Web sites continue to fight Google's efforts to digitize the world's books and create the world's largest library online. Many libraries around the world are already moving forward thinking books wont be around very long to educate students. Some books will be around, althhough many wont because they will be digitalized.People used to go online for the same information they could find in a newspaper. Now people go to facebook, twitter, and digg to discuss their lives. This world is really going digital. Libraries are trying new things too. The Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, in North Carolina, has a multimedia space where kids shoot videos and record music. Kelly Czarnecki, a technology education librarian at ImaginOn, a kids branch of that library said kids learn by telling their own stories.I honestly think that making libraries digital is a good idea, because I hate going to the library to look for a book and I am on the computer more now so I would rather just look for a book on the internet. Also I have had a lot of book fines so if we did go digital i wouldn`t have that problem.