Debunking Global Warming Response

Ok, here we go... The reason that this blog is one week late is because of technical difficulties that have been plaguing me for quite a while. Now, on to the story. We were assigned to read the first sixteen pages of a report or essay that senator James Inhofe wrote to dissuade people from believing in Global Warming. First off, I would like to say that Mr. Inhofe is extremely full of himself and is only being such a jerk (for lack of being able to call him anything more graphic) because the oil companies are giving him funding and sponsorship, and they want him to make people think that Global Warming is a myth so that they have no rules or regulations to follow.Inhofe claims that Global is completely media produced so that they have something to talk about, and is a way for scientists to get funding from big "Green" investors (what a hypocrite). Inhofe has quite a bit of research under his belt that suggests that he, or at least the people he hired to do it for him, did their homework. If you didn't know that he was accepting millions to promote a terrible cause, you would think agree that he has some pretty good points. For example, Inhofe claims that the climate crisis we are in is the fourth major climate scare in the last one hundred years. Not only that, but half of the scares were for an impending ice age. These climate scares actually coincided with each other various times.Quoted from Inhofe's essay, "Since 1895 until the 1930's, the media paddled a coming ice age. From the late 1920's until the 1960's they warned of global warming. Fromt he 1950's to the 1970's, another ice age scare, and now we are in a global warming scare."Inhofe has many quotes and clips of articles from various newspapers and magazines that prove just how much the people of the past believed that the world was out of whack. He blames scientists and others who generate computer based models and graphs that greatly over-exaggerate the change that the climate will experience. To him, these are perfect ways to scare the public into fast and unnecessary action. Inhofe believes that there should be no major calls to action to limit C02 emissions because there is no real conclusive evidence that states that C02 is harmful to the planet. Apparently it was actually warmer in Iceland and Greenland and in the Arctic in the 1930's than it is today. Comments like that really make you wonder.I will conclude with saying that Even if C02 emissions do not kill us all until 2100, it would still be a great and very important idea to lower our emissions, regulate and improve the quality and efficiency of our power and manufacturing plants, and do our part to better the health of our precious Mother Earth.
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