D-Day, the normandy invasion

The Normandy invasion was code named Operation Overlord, and wass the invasion the Allies used to break into occupied Europe. the allies attacking in this operation where America, Britain, Canada, and free French forces.the Allies attacked along the Normandy coast, and distracted German soldiers by launching several false invasions. the allies would be attacking several fortified beaches along the coast, which where Sword(attacked by the British), Juno(attacked by the Cansians), Gold(attacked bt the British), Omaha(attacked b the Americans), and Utah(attacked by the Americans). as well the allied forces landed infantry behind enemy lines to take bridges, roads, tows, and similar things

The Germans where defending along the Alantic wall, which had been building up defenses for several years, had fortified bunkers, the beaches had mines, and some bunkers had machine gun post in them. Although the Germans only had a division of Panzers, which had happend because an argument between Rommel(field commander) and Von Geyr(Panzer commander) over deployment. Hitler then gave Rommel three panzers, and the rest to Von Geyr

in the end, the allied forces won, but if Rommel had gotten all the Panzer division, that could have done major damage to the allies, maybe even allowing the Germans to win.
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