Across1. Accepted the "__ in the back" theory3. In 1933, he was appointed __ of Germany4. Was wounded in WW1 by __5. Hitler and the Nazis tried to take over German gov't7. Dropped out of school at age __8. Failed to get into __ school11. Nazis hated the __ Republic13. Hitler had __ __ beliefs, which meant he hated Jews16. Wanted to undo the Treaty of __17. Hitler got __ years in prison, but served 9 monthsDown1. Nazi stands for Nationalist __ German Worker's Party2. The Nazi Party was __ about their country6. Wanted to create this area in Russia for living space for German people8. Hitler believed these people were the superior race9. Hitler created the Third __10. Hitler was voted __ of the Nazi Party in 192112. While in prison, he wrote this book (German title)13. Stalin was born in this country14. Hitler was arrested for __15. The Volk were from the __ forest