Watergate used to be known as a an apartment and office complex in Washington D.C.. Today when we hear Watergate, what immediately pops into our heads is the Watergate Scandal. On June 17, 1972, 5 people broke into the Democratic National Headquarters to bug their telephones. All the men were directly or indirectly related to President Nixon's Committee to Re-elect the President, aka CRP or CREEP. Many people suspected a conspiracy.The White House had created a special group called "the plumbers" to fix leaks in the administration and keep classified information from the news media. They were originally formed in response to the Pentagon Papers, which told the history of the Vietnam war in specific detail. They wanted to downplay this because it was said to make the administration's of Kennedy and Johnson look bad.The video below is about Nixon's final campaign. It explains the Watergate Scandal and Nixon's repeated actions to cover up his wrong doings. The video also includes the process the White House went through to investigate the scandal, and how Nixon was not cooperating with them. I think this is a very good video to explain the Watergate Scandal. Nixon really let down his country and many lost faith in him. He was just as bad as a criminal.nixon_20_qt.html#v315Enjoy the video!!~Cora