Today we continued our blog talks. First was the US Constitution. One main things that it does is protect citizens rights. There are lots of amendments to protect these rights and extend them to minorities. Another thing that it does is set up our government and its branches. It established checks and balances between the branches.The second thing we talked about was President Washington. His first accomplishment was being appointed to commander of the Continental Army. This made him very popular so when the war was over he was elected President under the new Constitution. He helped out with the Whiskey Rebellion and helped the farmers to lower the tax on Whiskey. He stepped down after two terms setting a president. There was a debate among his cabinet about how much power there should be in the government. Hamilton wanted a big government and Jefferson wanted a small federal government and power would be in the states.Next was Jefferson's Presidency. He is best know for purchasing the Territory of Louisiana in 1803. Believed in a small government.Then we had Andrew Jackson. He wasn't really a nice president. He mistreated the Native American by moving them out of their homes including the Trail of Tears. He was a poor person with a poor education and was the first person to take the Presidency without coming from a rich family. He made it so that all states must accept the laws so that they couldn't declare that they wouldn't follow a certain law.