August 28th- September 1st

Monday- Discuss Forum Post, Start movie. 

World History Introduction- "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."

George Washington University paleoanthropologist Bernard Wood.

What is World history? BC and AD? BCE? CE?

  • Before Christ and anno Domini(Latin for "in the year of our Lord")
  • Before Common Era, and Common Era 

How old is the earth? 

  • 4.6 billion years

Where were the oldest human fossils found? 

  • Africa-Specifically Tanzania, Ethiopia and recently Morocco

Who found the oldest human fossils?

  • Louis and Mary Leakey, Donald Johanson, and numerous other scientists. 

What are some of the biggest achievements in world history? 

  • Invention tools, mastery of fire,  development of language, invention of wheels, invention of boats, art

Louis and Mary Leaky

  • Searched for HOMINID remains in Tanzania from the 1930's-1970's 
  • Hominid- the group consisting of all modern and extinct great apes'
  • Found human like fossils in 1959 in the Olduvai gorge in Tanzania(Africa)
  • This discovery would usher many other findings 

Donald Johanson

  • Discovered a 3.2 million-year old fossil of a female skeleton in Ethiopia named "Lucy" in 1974.
  • This was the oldest known hominid remains found until 2015. 

Tuesday- Watch movie 

Wednesday- Finished the movie 

Thursday- Absent( received notes from Hadley)

-Earliest Homo Sapiens- found in Morocco(Africa) June 2017. Oldest Homo sapiens fossils found so far -oldest 150,000 years ago -date back 300,000-350,000 years ago. Lots of controversy  between scientists.

Agricultural/Neolithic Revolution- prior to more organized agriculture, people were nomadic and hunted animals and gathered plants hunter gatherer. They lived in groups of about 25-70 people. No one knows exactly how things changed, but about 10,000 years ago people started more organized farming. Along with planting crops, people also domesticated animals such as horses, cows, dogs, goats and pigs. 


Civilization: An advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and government has been reached. 

The five traits of a civilization:

1. advanced cities- Uruk- 50,000 population. Lagash- 10,000-50,000. Umma- 10,000-50,000

2. writing/record keeping- transaction of historical events, customs, and traditions

3. Specialized workers- merchants, soldiers, teachers

4. complex institutions- Formal governments, priests

5. advanced technology- The wheel, the plow, the sail boat

Questions to consider- 

What are national borders- great lakes(Canada), Rio Grande(Mexico), Mountains 

Some natural boundaries that would be helpful to civilization 

Defensible borders important for a civilization to thrive 

The fertile Crescent- Fertile land from the rivers 

Mesopotamia- Land between rivers 

City-State- A city country 

Dynasty- A powerful family that controls everything

Cultural diffusion- A culture that spreads 

Polytheism-Believe in more than one god 

Monotheism- Only believe in one god 

Empire- A group of countries that are controlled by one ruler or government 

Delta-  A river land form 

King Narmer- King of Egypt

Pharaoh- The god-kings of Egypt

Theocracy- A government run by religion 

Pyramid- a monumental structure 

Mummification- The process of drying 

What are hieroglyphics- Ancient writing and pictures from ancient Egypt  

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