April 8 - April 12


  • What were the goals of Japan in WWll

  • Be the dominant power in Asia

  • Revive the Japanese economy from depression

  • Take over areas of Asia to get resources

  • Create the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

  • Promoted the cultural and economic unity of East Asian, southeast asia's, south asians and Oceanians led by Japan to “protect the people of Asia from Western imperialist powers”

  • Areas controlled by Japan during WWll

  • Several regions in China

  • French Indochina(Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos)

  • Hong Kong(UK)

  • Thailand

  • British New Guinea

  • Philippines(USA)

  • Guam(USA)

  • Dutch East Indies

  • Portuguese Timor

  • Malaya(UK)

  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands(India)

  • Straits Settlements(SIngapore)

  • KIngdom of Sarawak(UK)

  • Brunei(UK)

  • North Borneo(UK)

  • Nauru

  • Imphal(India)

  • Wake Island(USA)

  • Gilbert and Ellice Islands(UK)

  • Christmas Island(Australia)

  • Attu and KIska Islands(ALaska)

  • Areas Attacked but not Conquered

  • Air raids on Australia

  • Broome(western Australia)

  • Darwin(Northern Territory, Australia)

  • Newcastle (new South wales, australia)

  • British Columbia(Canada)

  • India

  • Sri Lanka

  • Mongolia

  • United states

  • Santa Barbara(California)

  • Pearl Harbor(Hawaii)

  • Midway Island

  • Fort Stevens(orgon)

  • Japan in the Mid 18000’s to Early 1900's

  • US commodore Matthew Perry sailed to Japan in 1853-54 and forch Japan to open its ports to Western nations

  • Japan had been extremely isolationist for hundred of years

  • This made japan realize they needed to become like the West so they didn't take them over

  • First Sino-Japanese War(1894-95)

  • Japan won and gained control of Korea and Taiwan

  • Japan in the Mid 1800’s to Early 1900’s

  • Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-05

  • This made Japan the Major power in Asia, replacing Russia

  • Japan fought fro the Allies in WWll

  • Took over many German Colonies and interests in Asia and extended their control in China

  • Felt disrespected and the Paris Peace COnference and the :Racial Equality Proposal” they proposed did not pass

  • Japan in the 1920’s

  • Joined the League of Nations

  • Signed the 4, 5, and 9 Power pact

  • 4 Power Pact-US, GB, France and Japan would respect each other’s possessions in the Pacific

  • 5 Power Pact-US, GB, France, Italy and Japan would limit naval size

  • 9 Power Pact-US, GB, France, Italy, Japan, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal and China agree to the Open Door Policy and guarantee Chinese independence

  • Signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact

  • The Great Depression had a negative impact on Japan

  • Needed to import many resources from the US. This no longer happened. Why? High Tariffs.

  • Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

  • The League of Nations condemned the action but could not enforce its authority as it had no military force

  • The message sent to aggressive countries was that a major power could get away with using force because Great Britain and France did not want war

  • Japan dropped out of the League of Nations shortly after invasion

  • Did Japan and the Soviet Union fight in WWll

  • Soviet-Japanese Border War

  • Fought between Japan(and Manchuria) and the Soviet Union(and Mongolia) from 1932-1939

  • Started the year after Japan took over Manchuria as Japan started looking into Soviet controlled areas in Mongolia

  • Eventually the war ended in 1939 when the Soviets and Mongolians defeated the Japanese

  • This soon resulted in the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact

  • Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact

  • The USSR and Japan signed an agreement to not fight one another in April, 1941

  • Japan considered breaking this once Germany(their ally) invaded the USSR in June, 1941, but did not

  • USSR declares war on Japan

  • On August 8th, 1945, the USSR declared war on Japan breaking the neutrality pact

  • This was two days after the Hiroshima atomic bomb dropping and one day before the Nagasaki bombing

  • Stalin had promised in early 1945, that he would declare war on Japan once Germany was defeated(May 8, 1945)

  • Over one million Soviet soldiers invaded Japanese controlled Manchuria and were pushed back and suffered huge casualties

  • The Japanese were caught off guard so, along with the Hiroshima bombing, Emperor Hirohito pleaded with the Japanese military to surrender

Tuesday - I was gone (Got Notes From Chelsea) 

  • Raping of nanking-Late 1937-Early 1938

  • A mass killing of Chinese people(up to 300,000)

  • Mass raping of Chinese women and girls(20,000)

  • Mass looting and arson

  • Other brutalities include

  • Shooting, stabbing, cutting open the stomach, drowning, burning, pushing the body and the eyes with an awl, and worse things

  • Some in Japan have denied that military killed civilian for no reason

  • Still causes tension between the two countries today

  • There was a war crimes trial after the war to try Japanese soldiers for participation

  • Overall, throughout WWll, Japan killed almost 6,000,000 people--CHinese, Indonesians,Koreans,Filipinos, indochinese, western prisoners of war, etc.

  • Two leaders of WWll

  • Emperor Hirohito

  • Became emperor in 1926 and ruled until his death in 1989


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