Monday: video pearl harbor, french indochina, soviet japanese neurtrality pact, japan needed our trade, japan "awoke a sleeping giant", philippines, japan invades philippines, conspiracy theory, backdoor to war, douglas macarthur, bataan death march, doolittle raid, attacked japanese main land, island hopping, battle of coral sea, battle of midway, we did well because we knew attack was coming, we broke their code, still did some damage to us but we did more to them, guadalcanal, water and land ship things, kamikazes- suicide pilots, battle of leyte gulf, macarthur return to the philippines, iwo jima, hidden underground, one of worst battles for US, flag raising, mt suribachi, battle results
Tuesday: powerpoint, conspiracy theories of roosevelt, reviews it, quiz tomorrow, batoon death march, philippines, doolittle rade, strike on Tokyo, for moral support, momentum, mindset more than military, island hopping, first turning point of war battle of coral sea, japan was unable to move onto australia becasue they lost, battle of midway major turning point, we had broken their code, no comparision, know generalities, never the same after midway, took over three years to defeat them tho, native americans navajo code talkers, one reason we won is magic-the broken code, japanese never could decifer our code because of the navajo code talkers, letter had a navajo word, there is no navajo translation directly for that word so it was like a code in a code, shot and killed if captured by japanese by US because they couldn't let them give the code up, maybe a lil racist, guadalcanal losses, not an easy fight, kamikazes, return to the philippines, battle of iwo jima, underground, waited to attack, eventually we won but really bloody, flag raising took place, battle of okinawa, 1945, lil island, was japanese island, before invade we launch strikes, "soften" them up, invasion of japan planned in fall of 1945, never had to do this because we had atomic bombs, potsdam conference, franklin died in april, harry truman took over, conference in germany, wondering what they are going to do with Japan after war, japan has to accept everything we tell them, potsdam declaration, gov would be dismantled besides emperor, US would be in japan for almost a decade, lose territory gained but not land that was originally yours, military force dissarmed, higher ups go thru war crimes trials, changed after ww2, been allies with them since after world war II, to fight soviet union and communists,
Wednesday: quiz, powerpoint, bomb radius website thing, VJ day, japan surrendered, 14/15 because time differences, video, d-day operation, operation overlord, june 6 1944, dwight eisenhower, video
Thursday: no school
Friday: no school