Posted by 3JordanS on September 13, 2009 at 10:00pm
Last friday morning, Pouillon was protesting abortions in front of a high school. He held a sign which on one side said life and had a picture of a baby. On the other side it said abortion and had a picture of an aborted fetus. Then, Mr. Harlan Drake disliked the sign Mr. Pouillon was holding and decided to shoot him from his truck. Drake had killed another man before he shot Pouillon. Police believe that he also intended on killing another man. Drake tried to commit suicide afterwards in jail.
This was the biggest Abortion related killing since that Abortion giver was shot in a church in Kansas. Some People are really agressive about this topic i guess. This happened in Michigan, but who says it cant happen in Iowa?My personal opinion about that is that protesting is okay, but pulling out a gun is a little too far in my opinion. Fighting over issues is no different than having no government at all. The reason we dont pull out guns and kill each other is because we have a democracy set up to vote on certain issues, not fight over them. No matter how many babies are killed a year by abortions, we must seek to peacefully change things, lest we want them to change back when another group overthrows us. Too many people have died over abortions, both babies and activists. Someday, i hope that these needless deaths will be stopped.