All about Jordan S

Well, my name is Jordan S. I enjoy many things. One of the many things that enjoy is Xbox. It is very fun. All you do is press buttons and kill stuff. Another thing I enjoy is water. It is very fun to drink and swim in, although not at the same time. You can also float in the water. That’s some of the things I like to do.

I can be anywhere and be happy. If I am inside, ill be playing 360 or watching TV. If I am outside, ill be riding my dirt bike or playing with fire. If I am near water, ill be swimming or fishing or something like that. My favorite place to be is Okoboji. I love Okoboji. It is a fun place to be on hot summer days.

Things I definitely do not enjoy doing is cleaning. Cleaning in not an enjoyable thing to do. Cooking is also not an enjoyable thing to do. Bloging is also not a fun thing to do. I am not really sure that I am doing what I am supposed to do, but either way its just time consuming.
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