Nine years ago two men were arrested in one of the biggest LSD busts in United States history, these two men had a genius idea that worked for many years inside of a nuclear missile silo in Kansas. These two men were responsible for over 95% of LSD production in the United States.Clyde Apperson and William Leonard Pickard are the names of the biggest drug traffickers of LSD after acid was made illegal.The picture above was where the majority of this huge operation was held, it's a former nuclear missile test silo in Kansas. it produced 2.2 Pounds of LSD every 5 weeks, that's 10 million doses with a street value of 4 million dollars.In the year of 2000 both men were arrested on Federal Drug Trafficking charges by the DEA. Clyde was sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment with no possibility of parole. Then Pickard was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole, I think that's a bit extensive for crossing an imaginary line.Leonard PickardClyde Appearson