9/7/09. [president McKinley's assassination]

President William McKinley our 25th president was killed September 6, 1901. The morning of McKinley had been visiting Niagara Falls with his wife Ida. Later that day McKinley returned to the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. He was planning on spending his afternoon greeting the eager public. Around 3:30 the President was at the Temple of Music exhibit getting ready for a long line of people to rush in to meet him. At 4:00 they opened the door.Everyone was in a single file line waiting paciently to meet McKinley. Each person had only enough time to say, nice to meet you, before they were pushed along. In this line of people was Leon Czolgosz, a 23 year old anarchst. Leon was planning on killing the president with a .32 caliber Iver-Johnson revolver. He had the weapon hidden by a handkerchief. People did notice that his hand was covered by a handkerchief but mearly thought he was using it to wipe sweat off of his face, like tons of other people waiting in the humid air to meet the president.At 4:07 it was Leon Czolgosz's turn to meet President McKinley. When McKinley lifted his left hand to greet Leon, Leon put the revolver up to the Presidents chest and fired two shots. Immediatly seeing this happen people jumped on top of Leon and started punching him. The injured president on the ground saw Leon getting beatin up and said, 'Don't let them hurt him" and "Go easy on him, boys."

McKinley was then rushed in an electric ambulance to the Expositions hospital. The hospitail wasn't eqiuped enough to perform this kind of surgery and all the expert surgeons were gone. They finally found a doctor to do the surgury. They couldn't get the bullet out and decided to sew up his wound. McKinley seemed to be getting better the few days after his surgery but, the doctors forgot something. They didn't drian McKinleys injury and the infection was spreading. On September 14, 1901 at 2:15 a.m. McKinley was announced dead, cause of death gangrene. Theodore Roosevelt, Vice President now became the president. Leon Czolgosz was found guilty and was sentenced to death, he was electrocuted.
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