
Today is Thursday and Tara and Ian showed us their presentation. The Soviet government is known to show no part in the assassintion. We have evidence that they did not participate in the shooting. Also, the Anti-Casto Cuban group had no part in this. The National Syndicate of Organized Crime had no part in it. The Secret Service too, did not have any part in the assassintion. Evidence does not prove that members of all the groups mentioned earlier did not have any part in it. Some people may have had a part in it, not a specific group. There is no evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, he could have had helpers. Out of the three bullets, the first bullet hit Kennedy in his neck, the second bullet missed and hit the cement somewhere close to the limousine, and the third bullet was fatal.The Warren Report, presented by Zack and Trace was also presented today. It explains what happened before and after the assassination. This occured before the House Select Committee, which Tara and Ian talked about. The members of the commission were Earl Warran Chief Justice, Richard B. Russel, John Sherman, Hale Boggs, Gerald R. Ford, Allen W. Dulles, and John J. McCloy. It was used to report the basic happenings abuot the assassination. Also used to witness accounts during the assassination. The commission states what President was doing and where he was out..At the time of the limousine John Kennedy and his wife were sitting in the back of a non bubble top limousine. The bubble top is a bullet proof grass covering. Kennedy refused to have the bubble top on over. William R Greer was the driver of the limo. The Vice President was in the limousine behind the President.
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  • What were the findings of the Warren Report?
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