Posted by 5Shelbie on September 13, 2009 at 10:45pm
Today in class Mr. Bruns informed us that we no longer after this week will have to do free choice blogs because in class they take too much time. We never get enough time to discuss our assigned blogs and it takes us three days to discuss, too long. The group talking about conspiracies finished up today and the group that had Oswald and Ruby started presenting today.The theorie i thought was the most interesting that they covered this day was the Anit-green theory. The theory states that micro-organisms take over peoples brains and makes them want to kill the leader, or whoever is trying to make the world greener. I learned that Oswald had temper problems when he was younger and was once thought to be insane. He tried getting citizenship in Russia but, when they denied him he tried to commit suicide but, failed. He was in the Air Force and placed 7th out of 30 people in a shooting contest, interesting.