9/30-10/4 Notes

9/30/19-The forum post leader told their stories and we presented the rest of our projects

Cornelius Vanderbilit-He purchases his first boat which he used to ferry people across the rivers, he ended up selling most of his ships amd working on a steam boat.He started to get into rainroads later and started to buy many of them. He got into the eerie railroad war again others while trying to buy more railroads to beat the others.

Milton Hershey-Made Hershey. He dropped out of school after moving to mny times, he later got a job in the cnady making business after he took an aprentice at a candy making shop. He opened up a carmel business at first after learning with his dad, after eventually selling his caramel business he started to get interested in coco beans where he started to develope chocholate., where he made affordable chocolate for people 

George Dayton-He wanted to grow up to be a minister but ended up going into business, he became wealthy after getting a job at a bank but gave away lots of his money to charities. He made the first Target (which was at first called Daytons but after he died the name was changed) in 1952 which has become one of the most popular shopping malls

James Cash Penny-Made JCPennys. 7 of 12 children to live, he bought out his partners and started to make the first JCPennys which were formally named Golden Rule. He got many honorary degress even though he never went to college

10/1/19-We finished up the last video presentations, and watched daily news about a college sports getting played for their likeness

James Duke-He learned about hand manufancturing on his families farm where he developed many tabaco. Lat after he developed a power company with his brother. He was mainly known for the Duke University

Herny Ford-Mostly know for Ford Car Brand. He was the 5th most wealthy man of his time, his first job was in a machine shop, in 1896 he made his first automobile and entered one of his cars in a race later where he won. In 1915 he secretly bought many acres of farm land where it would later be the Roof Plant.

10/2/19-We went on to our next chapter notes about the industrial revolution

What were some of the great captains of industry and their impacts

What caused the insudtrial reovlution-

What were some of the new inventions in the late 1800s

10/3/19-We contiuned out unit and studied for the upcoming quiz about our presentations we did about the main contributors to the industrial revolution

10/4/19-Today we got out new forum post leaders for the week and went on with our chapter presentation notes about the people who were main parts in the industrial revolution

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