Today we reviewed our JFK blogs. He was the 35th president, the youngest elected one, and the only Roman-Catholic President. He had Addisons Disease, which effected his back and making him unable to join the military. His rich father was able to pull some strings to get him into the military. He saved a man on a raft on a swam to shore, recieving a purple heart. Kennedy's, older brother, Joseph, was to be the family member to run for office. He died in World War II. was next in line. John also attended Harvard, and in his Bording School, he was awarded "Most Likely To Become President" which he obviously accomplished. His wife, Jackie, married him in 1953 and John died in 1963. He had 8 siblings, only one is still alive, Jean Ann, the second youngest. John and his wife had 2 kids of their own, having had 3 children die early on in life. John Kennedy is now compaired to our current President, Obama.