
We are still talking about our 8th grade review blogs. Today we talked about the Jefferson Presidency, Jackson Presidency, and Land aquired by U.S. in 1800's.-Jefferson Presidency--He helped Lewis and Clark. His goal of the expedition was to find indians and be friends so he could trade with them. He wanted fur. Sacageweah knew many languages so she interpreted for them. They were looking for a direct water route to the pacific ocean. Jefferson was really into like the science-y stuff. So the indians took notes and drew pictures and sent them to him.-Jackson Presidency-- He was very popular. The House of Representatives didn't want Jackson. Jackson didn't like that National Bank and vetod it. He liked what Jefferson did. He didn't respect the checks and balances. During his childhood he was very poor. His goals as president was to get rid of the national bank.-Land aquired by U.S. in 1800's--Signed the Treaty of Paris which made us a country.
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