
The sixth day of school brought with it musical audition information, pictures, and excersise ball airing. I'm beginning to realize that this year, sleep is not an option, no matter how hard the pathetically tired pray for it to be. When one, such as myself, makes a habit of going to bed at 11 and getting up at 4:30, sleep seems like that far-off goal that everyone scoffs at. It seems like a whisp of hope, gone too fast.Anyways, today in CWI we attemped to get our computers. This sadly, did not work out. About six or so of the computers wouldn't work, so Mr. Brun's decided to throw out the whole idea for the day. I was pretty bummed out, considering the intense conversations last night about Gay Marrige and Abortion, I really wanted to update some things. As I said previously though, this did not happen. Again, sad. :((So, instead the focal point of the class was Ted Kennedy's death and the continued sharing of News Stories. We're finally close to finishing discussing those and I'm really glad. Most of them are on the same four or five topics and its beginning to get slightly boring.I did learn a tad about Sen. Kennedy today though. I was suprised to learn about his car wreck, and the survival of the plane crash. It seemed that, for the large majority of his life, he was an incredibly durable dude, and one to be looked up to.
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  • Going over MJ and Farrah 100 times did get boring.
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