First we talked about the U.S. Constitution. The us constitution does two main things. It protects peoples rights. There is many different ammendments that helped to do this. The second main thing it does is sets up government. There all three branches in the government. Executive, The Legislative, and the Judicial.Next we talked about George Washington's presidency. When Washington first got elected he got almost all the votes. everybody loved him.Next we talked about Jefferson the biggest thing he was known for was the Louissianna purchase. He barely won his electionNext we talked about Andrew Jackson. Jackson was the cause for the trail of tears. 7,000 troups were sent to move the Cherokee from their homes. He was the first president that was not born rich. Jackson helped the federal government to gain more power over the states.Next we talked about how we gained land. The first was the paris treaty. Then the Louisianna purchase. The next was when we purchased Florida from Spain. We anexed the republic of Texas. Then we forced our way into Hawaii.