Alright, the fourth day of school brought with it massive misfortune. Somehow I managed to completely break the zipper on my bookbag and had the joy of carrying it like a dirty diaper today. This, methinks, completely proves to the world that I truly am the spaz I claim to be. Yes, it is true that if you read my "All About Me" blog you will know that that is entirely self-proclaimed. I'm sure though, that this instance has seared the equation "Spaz = Heather" into the minds of everyone.
Also, if you haven't notied, random readers that I may or may not have, I like to start each blog with a reflection. Do you love it as much as I do?Anyways, today in CWI we basically summed up our "All About Me" blogs in front of the class. I tried to be oddly funny in that way that only about .003 % of the population seems to tolerate well, and I'm sure that divulging my intense fear of squirrles has weirded out Mr. Brun's beyond repair. I learned things, however that were suprising. Megan Gettys, for example, has a HUGE family. I also learned that Alex Temme, my newbie buddy, has probably one of the most confusing family dynamics I have ever heard of, and I count myself among the more confusing. Lastly, I learned that my supposed friend Allisha Anderson, had no idea that I had two sisters! You'd think after four years she would have picked that up somewhere! Guess not. :)Mr. Brun's also tried really hard to get our News Story blogs in. He was unsuccessful for the most part. Only a few got to sum theirs up.I'm not looking forward to sharing mine because I have a very common topic; the Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson deaths. Picking out the details that have not yet been shared will be highly challenging.