Today we listened to everyone talk about their blogs today. The free choice blogs were very interesting this week. There was one that stuck out to me about a baby that was born with its heart outside of its chest. I looked at the picture on the blog and it was really disgusting. We heard a lot of other ones too. We talked about what our blogs were for this week also. A free choice blog and one over President Obama's speech to the schools.The blogs this week that stuck out to me about the assassinations were the assassination of John Lennon and the attempted assassination on Ronald Reagan. Reagans assassin tried to kill him to impress a girl, Jodie Foster, a major actress. Hinckly, the assassinator, shot six bullets in three seconds only one hitting Reagan by the armpit, he lived. John Lennon was assinated by a stalker, Mark Chapman. Chapman had gone to New York planning on killing Lennon, didn't end up doing it the first time. He got theropy but, it obviously didn't work. He returned to New York and shot Lennon five times.