
We started right away with our presentations today because we only got one done yesterday. The communism, socialism, and monarchy groups went today.I learned that communism was supposed to happen when the people overthrew the government then everything would be equal but really it just chaos and the people who rule are the ones who have the most weapons.Then there's socialism which isn't too different from communism. The point of socialism is for everyone to be equal also. They try to do this by taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor. The health care plan that Obama has is pretty socialist because the rich people of our country would pay higher taxes so that poor people can have the option of a health care plan that is paid for by the government. We also talked about constitutional and absolute monarchies. I learned that there really aren't any absolute (king or queen with limitless power) monarchies anymore. Constitutional monarchies are when the king or queen do have limits in what they can do, and the kings and queens of today pretty much dont' have any power.
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