Hi. My name is Dajsa May Deuel I am in 10th grade and am 16. I have two brothers named Douglas, 13, and D'Artagnan,10. I was born in Denver, CO and lived there tell I was 2. My mom name is Victoria and my dad's name is Doug. They both grew up mainly in Denver.
As for my future I am planning on majoring in music. I am planning on teaching at a high school level. When no one is there to lesson all I have to do is listen to music or play on my many instruments and all of a sudden I am all better. Music has always been there for me and always will be. I hope that is teaching vocal/band to high school students I can help them see how much music can help.
My summer was amazing. I started it out with the Shinedown concert on May 26th. Then I went to Denver for my sixteenth birthday and got my car. My car is a 68 VW bug and is the car I have wanted since I was little. It was a dream come true to finally be driving down the road. I love when I drive down a road and people just stare at me like what is that sixteen year old doing drive that car.
After I got back from Denver I did a lot of hanging out with friends and driving my car. I also went to a week of bible camp. I go to MWBC and it is located in Washington, IA. It is like a second home to me. Then to close out the summer I went to the flyleaf concert on August 8th.
Well that is me. I love music, god, and my car.Post later, Dajsa
You can go and edit your blog and in the code thing for the pictures it'll say width: then numbers then height: then numbers. Change the width to 500 and the height to 350. It happened to me too.