Using Google Notebook, online research just became a lot easier. Here is a video about it(only viewable outside of the school): Requirements: 1. You need and account with Google. You can make one here: Google Accounts 2. You need one of the following browsers: * Internet Explorer 6 * Firefox 1.5+ Download here: Firefox 3 Note that Internet Explorer 7/8 will not work currently. 3. Once you have the correct browser, you need to install this extension: Once you have this installed, taking notes is as easy as right clicking on the highlighted text that you want, and selecting the very bottom option to "Note This". You will also notice that in the bottom right of your browser an icon that says "Open Notebook". This is where the information you highlighted goes. This is an excellent way to take notes online and keep track of your resources. Here is a more in depth FAQ of Google Notebook: Google Notebook FAQ Check it out!!