Those of you who attended HCHS last year and attended the meeting well know what the new art class, Mind Design, is. However, if you're a new student, live under a rock, or just plain irresponsibly forgot, I'll let you in on the big secret.Alrighty, so basically, Mind Design does murals. Period. You know. Big huge paintings. And the class is handpicked by none other than THE RENKLY himself.
Okay so maybe you have to sign up for the class too. Minor details grasshopper. My memory's a little fuzzy, but if my memory is as awesome as I think/hope it is, the prerequisites for the class are at least 2 semesters of art classes, being a senior, and/or a recommendation from Mr. Renkly.So what sort of things are on the agenda? Well, my young uninformed friend, we've already got some plans for the hideous sign in the front parking lot. You know the one. No you probably don't. Because your brain just blocks it out so it doesn't burn your eyes! :O Okay, maybe it's not that hideous... Also, expect some mega-awesomeness for the School Store (by the way, the name's been chosen. Cyclone Corner fo' sho'), the back wall of the Vocal Room, finishing up the Cyclone bustin' up the walls in the Gym, and the auto-shop downtown know as Creative Concepts. There's also been talk of Middle School projects. And probably a lot more lol. We're talented.I bet you're wondering how exactly we make these murals. And if you're not, tough cookies because I'm telling you anyway. Alrighty (!) step one is discussing with the class and coming up with an awesome concept. Or just doodling. There's a lot of doodling involved. Ever said a word so many times it doesn't sound like a word? ... Doodling. Heh. Dooooooodling. Step two is designing. And improving. Lots of improving. Then comes the tough part. You have to present the drafts to Mr. Wagner. Who is totally NOT FUNNY AT ALL! :O NOR IS HE NICE! ... Did I mention I'm a compulsive liar? :D So, once Mr. Principal-Man approves whatever we're planning, it's off to paint, airbrush, seal, and... what-not. And after it's all done all the kids in my History class send me cookies. See look it's on the internet. You HAVE to. Pish yeah!
So above is the ultra-mega-super rough concept draft for the front parking lot sign. And when i say ultra-mega-super rough concept draft you have NO idea. It will look ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like this when it's all said and done :OThere you have it, a whole week + 1 day of class covered in a super sweet blog that totally killed Mr. Bruns website last night. (I hit submit, swear to Jebus the next second the website was down and the blog was gone :O those crazy Blog Faeries better stay away from my marbles! ... God forbid I lose my marbles...) If you have any ideas for Murals, just let the class know. There's a whole seven of us lol so it shouldn't be too hard to track us all down at once :P Of course, you could just personal message me on here :D That would be nice too! I love ideas and suggestions. And once I stop biting I'm really not that intimidating I swear! :D Much love,- Danielle ♥