Ah. First blog of the year. It feels good:) Since it's Sunday evening and I'm lacking creative energy, my blog is about, just as Mr. Bruns suggested, what I learned this week in US History. Mr. Bruns started the week by assigning everyone a beastly laptop which never leaves the room so we don't have to be technology deprived all year. Chyeah! Then we were introduced to our first US History topic—the JFK assassination.I didn't know much about John F. Kennedy when I got to class Monday. I still didn't know much when I left class. But when I got home I researched a bit on his controversial murder and his alleged killer. JFK was killed on November 22, 1963 while in a parade in Texas. He was shot from the 6th floor of the Texas Book Depository twice. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for his murder the same day. It took me a few days to find out exactly why he was arrested and not some other guy but now that I understand it, I believe it was Oswald who assassinated Kennedy. The rifle used to kill JFK was Oswald's gun and it was found in the library. I'd say that's some pretty solid evidence right there but I'll let you form your own opinion. Another man, James Files has admitted to the assassination but nothing has been proven so far.So we spent the next four days researching this topic and creating presentations. Danielle, Kelsey, and I decided to stage an interrogation of Lee Harvey Oswald so be sure to check that out....if you're in 6th hour. If you got stuck in a defferent class you can check out our powerpoint "">here(Sorry, it won't make much sense without the human aspect but it has the video of the assassination).Thursday I took a test over the student handbook since I was in Murtaugh's class when everyone else took it(I know, I know. Such precious time spent not knowing where I was supposed to be in life. Who would have known it was just one floor up). From that I learned that you can be tardy up to 12 times without having to have a meeting with the school. Good to know, right? I also learned that it's important to talk to your peers about things you miss in class. They just might discuss things they find interesting on tests. The next thing you know, the same question could show up on your test too.So I guess that's it. My first full week of US History ended with a bell ringing with peace of mind in a great year to come. A year full of computers, blogs, carpet runners, Danielles, Kelseys, and a little history too.-Sara
I just wanted to let everyone know that I, Sara Michelle Pape, figured out hyperlinks by myselfwithout the help of Danielle or Mr. Bruns. This is a day to remember.
God I love you rofl -Danielle ♥