Barack Obama: 46
John McCain: 11
Well, last year in Current World Issues my results were 'on the fence' but technically I was more Liberal than Conservative, so I don't think it's necessarily surprising that I am more aligned with Mr. Barack Obama. And it's not necessarily surprising that I would vote for him. If it was legal. Darn those laws getting in the way. Someday I shall have my victory... Someday.So anyways, about these Issues... Personally, the one I have the strongest feelings for is Abortion. Honestly, I'm Pro-Choice. I don't want babies to die. . . Even if I do threaten to eat peoples' babies on occasion. . . It's just that I feel that if a woman REALLY wants to get rid of her baby, then she'll find a way to whether it's legal or not. And for the sake of that woman, I'd rather that sort of thing be done by a licensed physician than some guy in a back alley named Cheesey who uses a monkey rench and a vacuum. OKAY?!And that's basically how I feel about the second amendment as well. Only you know. Without the baby killing. I think people should be able to license guns, though it probably wouldn't hurt to be a little more strict with who they license them to, but they shouldn't be altogether restricted. Guns are also used recreationally, and if we get rid of guns, we'd have to get rid of EVERYTHING you can kill someone with. Which is anything. ANYTHING. You learn those sorts of things if you watch CSI. Which I totally am right now. GO SPIKE! And furthermore, guns don't kill people; people kill people. If someone really wanted to kill someone there are more ways to do it than a gun. I also disagreed with Obama on two other topics...The Economy. Though I'm really not that into business. So my opinion doesn't really matter :PAnd... Iraq. I think that since so many people have DIED at least SOMETHING should be accomplished by going over there. Yes, I think that the Iraqi government can never really stand on its own two feet until we get out of there. But I do not believe we should establish our own timetable to withdraw, because BAM! then the extremists know what to do and when to do it. Same with Afghanistan. Then again, I'm an American teenager, I don't really know that much about these sorts of issues. Though I suppose that's not really a valid excuse anymore with the internet, but if all these conspiracies are to be believed well then, what does anyone know? Perhaps people in government , HIGH government don't even understand what we're fighting for...And on a last note, John McCain is incredibly boring to listen to. THERE. I said it.