Posted by 6dasarkel on September 11, 2008 at 10:30am
Today marks the 7th anniversary of the Septemper 11 terrorist attacks. I was 8 years old when it happed so I was old enough to realize what was going on but not old enough to fully understand just what it meant. I heard about the attacks on my way to school that day. It came in on the radio and my mom told me to listen. Being in third grade, I listened but didn't understand that the World Trade Centers were actually hit by planes. I got to school where we weren't told anything about it in class. The school had told the 4th and 5th graders since they were "supposedly" more mature than us.Although it may not be official, for me this day marks the begininng of the war we are in today. I know that the war in Iraq isn't about 9/11 but it was the first time I realized the US was "disputing" with other countries. Since that day, all you hear on the news is war, war, war. Before that day I was too young to think it could really happen.The past two days I've been attempting to write this blog but I made the mistake of looking for a video to put in it before writing. I watched 9/11 videos for almost 4 hours the past two days. The conspiracies people come up with are just funny but the facts and the reality of it all is really interesting to me.Sara