
3-11-3-15 ww2 history treaty of versailles

General germany had to admit full responsibility for starting the war, This was clause 231-the infamous war guilt clause, germany was forbidden to unite with austria, A league of nations was set up to keep world peace, The german reaction to the treaty of versailles, there was anger throughout germany when the terms were made public, the treaty was seen by many germans as being forced on them and the germans had no choice but to sign it. German representatives in paris knew that they had no choice as germany was incapable of restarting the war again, Adolf Hitler born 1889 austria, family moved to germany when he was three, had five siblings-three died in infancy mom klara dad alois, His brother, edmund died in 1900, after his brothers death, Hitler changed and became more moody and withdrawn, Had more issues at school and with his dad, dad died in 1903 and his mom died in 1907. In Mein kampf, Hitler said he first became anti-semitic during his time in Vienna, Austria. Hitler failed to get into the academy of fine arts in vienna two different times, started selling paintings in the streets of vienna, failed his examination to get into the austro hungarian army in 1914, moved to munich, germany and joined the german army. Hitler in ww1, hitler was wounded twice while serving. Injured by a shell explosion, temporarily blinded by a mustard gas attack, almost shot by a french soldier henry tandy but spared his life. After ww1 hitler starts spying on the new nationalist socialist german workers party (nazi) for the german military, Hitler quickly realized that this group discussed topics that he believed in. beer hall putsch-1923. Hitler's trial-1924, hitler in prison, sentenced for 5 years, served 9 months-good behavior wrote a book in prison mein kampf. Hitler is appointed chancellor in 1933, president paul von hindenburg dies shortly after hitler dissolves the weimar republic. Anschluss with austria-1938. Munich conference-1938 last shot. Sudetenland crisis 1938 re uniting german speaking peoples. Munich conference, peace for our time, Hitler was given the sudetenland of czechoslovakia, Hitler promised that he was done taking over territories, What drove hitler to do what he did in europe, desire to get revenge from the great war and undi the treaty of versailles, re unite german speaking people, make germany respectable and strong again, more of a short term goal for hitler, racism, The desire to make sure that pure blood germans stayed that way. Limit or not allow the germanization of other ethnic groups.

3-18-3-22 what drove hitler to do what he did in europe

Desire to get revenge from the great war and undo the treaty of versailles, reunite german speaking peoples. What about western europe, he generally respected the races of western europe much more, he did want revenge from the treaty of versailles Hitler in 1939. Adolf Hitler tours poland. The german divided the country into lands that became part of the third reich and an occupied country that was. The phoney war ends spring 1940, Miracle of dunkirk, dunkirk-340,000 allied troops evacuated. German advances until the armistice battle of france june 4-22, 1940. Nazi goals for battle of britain, destroy the royal air force before invasion was possible hopefully by 9-15. Air raid shelter during the blitz, germany bombing towns school and buildings civilians went into hiding. In may, 1941, germany divided to focus on attacking british ships and ports and thus stopped attacking cities. British losses-around 40,000 civilian dead. German invasion of USSR june 1941. Final plan for operation barbarossa over 6 million military casualties total on both sides. Does not include civilians. Scorched earth policy. Stalin demanded this of the soviet troops as they retreated.

3-25-3-29 The battle of stalingrad the soviet victory, more than 1,830,000 killed or wounded more than 11,400 casualties each day. Siege of leningrad on August 30th 1941, the germans took over leningrad's railroads, cutting them off from the rest of russia and the world. Unlike the battle of stalingrad, the germans surrounded the city to starve the city into submission, Between november 1941 and october 1942, 641,000 people died of starvation. People resorted to eating rats, wallpaper paste and some resorted to cannibalism. The north African Campaign June, 1940 may, 1943 Gen. Erwin. Operation Torch november, 1942, The holocaust, The genocide of approximately six million european jews during world war 2. A program of systematic state, sponsored extermination by nazi germany throughout nazi occupied territory. What is genocide 1948-United nations. Who was inferior according to hitler, jews 6 million dead, gypsies 500,000 to 1.5 million, mentally/physically handicapped people, 75,000 to 250,000. Soviet lavs/pws/troops 16.5 million poles 2.5 million dead. Lebensborn fount of life, The program aimed to promote the growth of superior aryan populations by providing excellent health care and living conditions to woman who were of the aryan race. Hitler's jewish question, what are we going to do with the jews. Nuremberg law 1936, took away german citizenship from jews thus making jews second class citizens by removing their basic civil rights. Defined the jewish race as being anone who either considered themselves jewish or ha three or four jewish grandparents.

4-1-4-5 Italy after ww1 italy

4-8-4-12 what were the goals of japan in ww2

Be the dominant power in asia, revvie the japanese economy from depression, take over areas of asia to get resources. Create the greater east asia co prosperity sphere promoted. Areas controlled by japan during ww2. Several regions in china, french indochina, hong kong, thailand, british new guinea, philippines, guam, dutch east indies, portuguese timor, malaya. Areas attacked but not conquered, air raids on australia, broome, darwin, newcastle, sydney,. Japan in the mid 1800s to early 1900s. Us commodore matthew perry sailed to japan in 1853-54 and forced japan to open its ports to western nations. Japan had been extremely isolationist for hundreds of years. Japan defeated russia in the russo japanese war in 1904-05 this made japan the major power in asia replacing russia. Japan fought for the allies in ww1 took over many german colonies and interest in asia and extended their control in china. Rape of nanking late 1937 early 1938. A mass killing of chinese people up to 300,000, mass raping of chinese woman and girls 20,000, mass looting and arson, others shooting, stabbing, decapitation, cutting open the stomach excavating the heart, drowing, burning, punching the body and the eyes with an awl and even worse things. Rape of nanking, some in japan have denied that the military killed civilians for no reason. The united states in ww2 Allied powers great britain, soviet union, united states, china, france. Europe: belgium, denmark, greece, norway, netherlands, luxembourg, poland, turkey. Africa: egypt, ethiopia. US after ww1 Us never signed the treaty of versailles, wilson democrat vs congress republican controlled join the league of nations or so back to isolation. Panay incident december 1937, American gunboat attacked on river in china by japan, Us gave japan oil had to cancel the order. Bases for destroyers, passed in september, 1940 between the us and great britain, fifty us destroyers were given to great britain in exchange for land rights for 99 years on british colonies for naval or air base purposes. Basics of pearl harbor attack, Date december 7, 1941 sunday 7:40 am and 8:50 am

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