The church. The roman catholic church was the one centralized institution that remained from the roman empire. It was also the only literale one. The church established an convents where monks and nuns lived. One monk, benedict, wrote strict rules for monasteries and how monks were to live. Monks opened schools, maintained libraries, and copied books. The spread of christianity in medieval Europe. Clovies defeated other germanic tribes and unified gaul into one large state and became allied with the church in rome. Pope Gregory 1 (The Great) Pope from 590 to 604 CE. Expanded the Pops role to not just spiritual but also secular. Became increasingly involved in government. The idea of a churchly kingdom ruled by a pope, would be a central theme of the middle ages. Martel extended Frankish territory in all directions. The muslims were unable to break into eastern Europe due to the Byzantine Empire, so they went in another way through Spain. At this point, Muslims held Spain and one Muslim leader sent a rading party across the Pyrenees Mountains into France. The Muslims relied on heavy cavalry charges, armed with lances and scimitars. Pepin the short, Pepin is Charles Martels son and he becomes major domo in 741. Pepin thought he should be king so asked the pope to decide who should be king: the guy with the title or the guy with the power. Technology of warfare changes. The warriors role in a feudal society. Europe was a battleground of nobles who wanted power, To defend their territories, Lords raise private armies knights. In return for their military service, Feudal lords gave knights fiefs. Knights devoted their lives to war. Roles of knight. Defended territories, service for land, was only held to 40 days of combat a year. Code of chivalry. The code stated that a knight must fight bravely in defense of three masters. To guard the honor of fellow knights, to respect the honor of women.
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