Poisonous gas
- Mustard
- Worse than chlorine
- Leave blisters on the skin
- Chlorine
- Not as bad
Trench Warfare
- Long ditches dug out
- Protect troops from bombardment, especially from enemy mortars
- Area between opposing sides trenches is known as no man’s land
Mined Waters; naval mine
- Put underwater
- Explode when new ship came in or would try to go out
Tear gas
- Chlorine gas
Bayonet on rifles
- Used in close combat to stab enemy
Browning M1917
- Machine gun
- Very heavy, didn’t carry around
Marks I-V male tanks
- Able to cross trenches
- Sustain heavy fire
- Destroy forts
- Guns on tanks
Submarines/U boats
- Large boats that can go underwater
Barbed wire
- In no man’s land
- Slowed down the opposing soldiers
- Created a good obstacle, hard to go over
- Designed to overcome trench warfare
- Male tanks had artillery
- Female tanks had machine guns
- Short stumpy tubes that fires artillery at an angle, so it goes straight down onto enemy
- Shots out fire
- Self-propelled missiles launched from submarines or ships
- Sinks other ships
The Howitzer
- German, heavy artillery
- Moves by railroads
- Fires 8 shots per house, travels long ways
Fokker Dr.1
- Tri- plane (3 wings)
- Offensive
- Bombing
- Dog fighting
- Spying
- Type of aircraft used by German
- Easy to shoot out of the sky
- Spying
- Carried machines and bombs
Sidearm (Colt M1892)
- Common hand gun
- Close range
Maxim Gun
- Machine gum
- 600 rounds per minute
Mustard gas
- Large blisters on exposed skin and the lungs
- Small hand hold bombs you throw
- Heavy fire arm to shoot explosive-filled projectiles across large distances
Savage model M1907
- Semi-automatic pocket pistol
German trench club
- Spring with square lump of metal; mounted on wooden handle
- Used in close combat
Tracer rounds
- Bullets that could be seen at night
Causes of WWl – M.I.N.E.S.
M – militarism - building up your army and using it in war time
I – imperialism- winners wanted to get colonies from losers
N – nationalism – extreme pride in one’s country
E – economic competition – wanting to take advantage of countries – use resources and then sell
S – systems of alliances – “this side against this side” (allied vs central)
- The world was boiling and the assassination made it explode
Chain of events – leading to outbreak of war
- Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
- Austria – Hungary sends ultimatum to Serbia
- Serbia refuses to accept ultimatum
- Austria – Hungary declares war on Serbia after Germany gives the carte blanche (do what you want we will support you)
- Russia mobilizes to support Serbia
- Germany declares war on Russia
- Hopes to know Russia out of war quickly to avoid a two-fronted war? Why?
- France enters war to help Russia
- Great Britain enters war to help France after Germany attacks France through neutral Belgium.
The Von Schlieffen – Germany’s war plan
- Invade France through Belgium (neutral)
- Once France surrenders they could turn attention to Russia
Turkish Massacre of the Armenians
- Tukey is Islamic
- Armenians were catholic
- Islamic and Catholic’s don’t get along well
- Turks were concerned Armenians were going to join Russia
- Turkey decided to start moving them out of the border of Russia
- MANY Armenians were killed, slaughtered, women raped, pushed in rivers, stripped naked to walk in dessert
WWl War Goals
- There weren’t any real goals at first, but as time went on and casualties and costs increased, winning territory was a must
- France
- Regain Alsace and Lorraine from Germany
- Get the Saar Basin from Germany (rich in coal)
- Create and independent Rhineland to create a buffer area between France and Germany
- Cripples Germany’s military
- Get German colonies in Africa
- Get Turkish colonies in the mid-east
- Great Britain
- Get German colonies in Africa
- Get Turkish colonies in the Mid-east
- Italy
- Wanted land from Austria-Hungary
- Russia
- Wanted control of the Dardanelle and Bosporus Straits in Turkey
- Austria – Hungary
- Self-preservation
- Germany
- Wanted part of France
- Wanted Luxembourg and Belgium
- Wanted most of western Russia
- Make Austria-Hungary and the Balkans a “sphere of influence”
- Take over French and Britain colonies in Africa
- United states
- Win and end the war “make the world safe for democracy”
- Wilson’s 14 points
- President Wilson declared that the US was to be neutral when WWl broke out
- “impartial in thought as well as in action”
- US stayed neutral for 3 years
Causes for US involvement in WWl
- US was very upset with both sides in war
- Great Britain and Germany were both stopping US ships
- Eventually US drew closer to war and the Allies
- Why?
- German Sinking British/French ships and killing the US citizens on those ships
- Lusitania, Arabic, Sussex
- Germany declared unrestricted submarine warfare in early 1917
- Sussex pledge
- President Wilson addressed Congress in April 1916 and issued an ultimatum to the Germans: End the Attack on unarmed ships or risk war
- Germany responded to Wilson’s demands on May 4, 1916 with what is called the “Sussex pledger” German promised to:
- End the sinking of passenger ships
- Search merchant ships for contraband and make provisions for passengers and crews before sinking merchant ships
- The German guarantees were generally honored until the announcement of the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in February 1917.
- German Sinking British/French ships and killing the US citizens on those ships
Committee on public information
- Goal was to influence US public to support World War 1 in their own way
- Headed by George Creel
- Launched a huge propaganda campaign
- The committee used newsprints, posters, radio, telegraph, and moved to broadcast its message
- Americanized German words
- German Measles – liberty measles
- Hamburger – liberty steak
- Sauerkraut – liberty cabbage
Major goals of US propaganda in WWl
- Enlist in the military
- Buy war bonds
- Conserve food
- Encourage patriotism
- Dehumanize the enemy
- Sense of urgency