12/2/19-Today went over chapter 9 progressive area topics and talked about the upcomming semester tests
12/3/19-We finished chapter 9 presentation, went over the key questions for the chapter, and started chapter 10
12/4/19-Today we continued chapter 10, went over the important topics from it, and went over WW1
12/5/19-Today we continued WW1 notes and had a poll over the top 2019 games and movies
12/6/19-We went over our WW1 weapons slides, and
Trech Warfare-The tactic of digging a deep, narrow trench that goes across the fronlines of the battlefield
Mortars-One of the first gunpower weapons, fires explosive shells into the air
Zeppelins-It was used to fly over areas and drop bombs and shoot from up in the air
Caltrops-Main purpose was used to disable horses when they stepped on this hidden spikes
Submarines-Used to sink merchant and navy warships, concealed guns and neutral countries flag inside
Trench Gun(Shotguns)-Mainly used by Americans in the trenchs that could clear out trenchs easily
Mustard Gass-Gass that was thrown into the trench which didn't take affect til a couple hours which could temp blind people