Who became knight? - Sons of nobles
Started at age 7 --> sent to the castle of another lord. Started as a Page (errand boy/servant) from 7-13. Practice fighting skills with wooden swords and sheilds. At 14 you became a Squire --> Did all the jobs the knight did not want to do (clean horse, clean armor). They had to be able to handle a sword. At age 21 you became a knight. Knights would travel for a year or two before actually fighting. This was so the knights could learn the way of the land for an advantage of knowing your surroundings.
If Kings stayed out of religion and Popes stayed out of politics, everything would run smoothly and peacefully. But... it didn't go this way.
Church Law = Canon Law
- Marriage and religion
Courts established this to carry law out. Punishments were Excoommunication and Interdict. Popes used excommunication to control Kings. If the king continued to disobey, this is where the Interdict came in.
What is the point of religion? - To keep people in line / give people hope
five major religions- Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddism, Judism
Major religions in the world - Hinduism - India. Christian - North America, South America, Europe, Australia, Russia. Islam - Middle East, North Africa, Indonesia.
Basic Info on Islam- Islam = Submission to Allah. Allah = God. Muslim = Practice Islam. Shia = Leaders should be blood relatives of Muhammad. Sunni = Leader should be voted on.
Basic History of Islam / Muhammad - Watch video.
Five Pillars of Islam- Salat - Daily five prayers. Bahage - Pilgrimage to Mecca. Shahada - Profession of faith. Zakat - Tithing. Giving to the poor. Sawm - Fasting. No food or water. No sexual relations.
Describe modern Issues facing Islam today.
Describe the culture of Muslims.
Disruption of trade- Because Rome was no longer around to protect trade, traders were scared to go out on the ocean for fear of being robbed.
Roman/Catholic Church- only place education was provided. Promised eternal life. Provided stability in Europe.
Pope Gregory wanted to get involved in politics and mix religion and state.
Major Domo- Mayor of the kingdom
Battle of Tour- Stopped the Moores. Moores lost because they had a disadvantage in landscape. Martel's army was on a hill.
Pepin the Short- Wanted to be king and the pope made him king.
Carlemagne- Became the first Emporer, named by Pope Leo after Charlemagne saved Leo and made him Pope again.
Know code of chivalry-
How Knights became knights. - Purpose was to protect their lords, their god, and their women.
Pope alius gave good advice about Popes and kings - - - Pope stay out of Politics, King stay out of religion.
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