5th - Carrie Nation had a vision from God telling her to take up a hatchet and destroy bars. Her group would sing church hymns and break alcohol bottles, esspecially in the Midwest. Capitalism is a system where you make more money the more you work. People control buisness but it leads to income inequality. Socialism is where you all the wealth is equal but there is no insentive to work, If you were poor in the 1800s this was very appealing. The United States has socilist policies with School and welfare. Workers compensation made it so you would still get paid while away from work for any unpreventable event. In the 1800s more women were getting educated, becoming teachers, pushed to end child labor, probition, and women's suffrage. The Seneca Falls Declaration of 1848 was a plea for the end of discrimination agaist women. They wanted to end slavery, temperance, have womans rights along with children. The "Square Dead" gave people a chance to work for better money and not work their entire lives. Teddy put land aside for natural reserves. William Howard Taft was not a good president, he was on the supreme court. Taft was "in Teddy's shadow and wasn't very popular.
6th - FIrst we talked about election day and how to register for voting. Imperialism is when a stronger country goes out and takes other parts of the world, either diplomaticaly or with military. Diplomacy is simply taking things out to avoid harsh conflict. military power leading up and being able to use that military. Nationalism is having pride in your country. A sphere of influence is when a country indirectly has power over another country. A protectorate is where a small country is protected by another. Arbitration is a settlement of a dispute by a third party. Old Diplomacy for the US is Noninterventionist. The US did not intervene in foreign affairs. With being isolationists the US acted alone in foreign affairs. With being passive and reactive the US waited for events to occur and acted accordingly. And back then the military was weak. New Diplomacy in the US included imperialistic ideals where we went out and conquered lands. Alfred Mahan, Henry Cabot Lodge, and Teddy Roosevelt all pushed imperialism. The US built a stronger military. We became interventionist.
7th - Today we went over election results. With Iowa results Kim Reynolds won as Governor, Steve King won as district 4 representative, Republicans hold the senate, president, and govoner ships while Democrats hold the house. Women are getting more people in congress.
8th - WIth old diplomacy the nation wanted to focus on building up. With new diplomacy we bacme imperialistic and we wnt out to capture territory. We built a strong nation with our military. And we began to interfere with a lot of thing especially with Latin America. The Monroe Doctrine told Europe to stay out of the western hemisphere. Strong nationalism is having strong pride and confidence in one's country. Captin Alfred Mahan was in the Navy and wrote "The influence of sea power upon history". The US has troops in Japan, Germany, South Korea, Italy, Afghanistan, United Kingdom, Kuwait, Iraq, Guam, Spain, etc. US tropps are deployed areound the world to stop communism and such. The United Nations need to pay more because the US is paying for more then our share. In the 1900s Britain, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Russia, United States, Ottoman Empire, and Japan were the most powerful. In 1914 Africa was carved up by European powers.
9th - The United States and other countries looked to imperialism because th western frontier became settled, it brought military power and prestige to your country, naval bases and refueling stations, natural resources as well as opening new markets to sell your goods, the beleie in cultural superiority (White Man's Burden)(Mckinley: "To take them all and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them.")(Taft: We must help "our little brown brothers" on the Philippines.)