We reveiwed some of the stuff we learned Thursday. Such as Protecting Social Welfare and everything that included. The YMCA and Salvation Army started because of the acts / laws passed that Protected Social Welfare. Promoting Moral Improvement- Carrie Nation had a dream from god saying to take up a hatchet and break the alcohol in bars. She was arrested many times but stood up for her beleifs and continued to break alcohol bottles. Capitalism- Economic System (harder you work the more money you get) The means of production are privately owned. A system where people own and control buisnesses. It gives the chance for the poor to become rich. Socialism- Social or economic system. Property and distribution of wealth are determined by the government. It is where the government controls buisnesses. It is the elimination of private property and everyone is equal. Positive- Equality. Negitive-Takes away your insenitive to work hard. Progessives worked for shorter safer work days. Reforming Elecions- States adopt secret ballot (no intimidation).Womens Role in Progressive Era- Many more women were getting an education. Many became teachers. Many pushed for an end to child labor. They helped push for the 18th and 19th Amendments to the US constituition. Women pushed for child labor laws, prohibition (get rid of alcohol), Women sufferage (voting), and ending slavery. Teddy Roosevelt was a great motivater, the "trust buster" president. Roosevelt beleived that resources should be preserved for the future generations to enjoy. (he made many animal sanctuaries and parks). Roosevelt backed down from the presidency instead of running again and backed up WIlliam Howard Taft so that he one. He broke up more trusts than Roosevelt. He became a supreme Court Justice after being president. He always felt like he was living in Roosevelt's shadow. He didnt really want to be or feel like a president.Progressive Party took up the platform of the Bull-Moose because after Teddy was shot, he responded he was feeling as strong as a bull-moose.
Happy Election Day! America Claims an Empire- America is stretching their wings and pushing new boundaries. Going West was a big solution to many of our problems. When we could no longer go west, America began to look outside of its borders. Diplomacy- We meet with other coutries and work things out with other countries. Imperialism- A stronger country going out to take over other parts or colonies around the world. Imperialism is what caused ww1 and ww2. Militarism- Building up a large military and using it as well. It is showing off your power to intimidate other countries so they dont mess with you. Nationalism- Patriotic feelings or efforts. Doing things to build up your country because of the beleif that it is the best. Sphere of Influence- a country or area in which another country has power to affect developments although it has no formal authority. Arbitration- when two arguing sides share what is upsetting them and someone in the middle comes to an agreement that both sides have to agree.
Old Diplomacy- we didn't get involved in forreign affairs. Isolationasi- We acted alone in foreign affairs instead of working with other countries and form an alliance. Passive and Reactive- We would wait and see if events impact us and if not we stay out of it but if it does affect us, we intervene. Weak army and Navy- our army and navy was weak so we didnt want to get involved.
New Diplomacy- Imperialistic- going out and conquering territory to create an empire.
We discussed the election and who won. We talked about the animosity between Trump and Democrats. We watched a video of a heated argument between Trump and Jim Acosta, a CNN reporter. Why is it so hard to Vote in America? - It's not that hard, but sometimes it depends on who you are (race) and where your from (population). We discussed why and who usually votes for democrats or republicans based on race, gender, age, LGBTQ, personal oppinions / beleifs, etc.
The Policy of Isolationism- US kept to themselves and didnt get involved in wars in other countries. We reveiwed Old Diplomacy and started discussing New. New Diplomacy- Imperialistic- Going out and conquering territory to create an empire. We created a strong army and navy (militarism). Interventionist- the US continued to intervene and become involved in other countries buisness and affairs. Monroe Doctorine- basically a warning to Britain and Germany and European contries to stay out of the European Hemisphere. Strong Nationalism- Having strong pride and confidence in ones country. The US has troops in many Countries such as Japan, Germany, South Korea, Italy, Afghanistan, United Kingdom, Kiwait, Iraq, Bahrain, Guam, Spain, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, etc. President Trump beleives we should be more focused on the US and "Make America Great Again" instead of being a babysitter to the rest of the world.
Why did the US and other countries look to Imperialism? - Natural Resources, Money, Power, Naval Bases. -The western frontier was settled in 1890 (people could no longer expand West) - Brings military power and pretige to your country - Naval bases and Refuling Stations - Opening new markets to sell your goods (trade) - Beleif in cultural superiority (White Man's Burdan- white people have to take care / govern black people because they were suposedly "not smart enough") We worked on our group projects for the rest of class.
Our group is doing- Issues with Mexico- Tampico Affair, Pancho Villa, Mexican Revolution.