
M O N D A Y- 

1. Protecting Social Welfare

  • Settlement houses for poor
  • Libraries
  • Sponsered education classes
  • Swimming pools
  • Soup Kitchens
  • Slum brigades- teach immigrants

2. Promoting Moral Improvement

  • Prohibition
  • Carrie Nation - Had a vision from God, take a hatchet, go into bars and destroy alcohol 
  • Why ban Alchohol? 

3. Capitalism

  • Economic System
  • Means of production are privately owned
  • People own and contorl business'
  • Change to go from poor to rich
  • Laissez-Faire - HANDS OFF

4. Socialism

  • Social or Economic system
  • Property and distribution of wealth are determined by the government
  • Government owns and controls business' 
  • Elimination of provate property, everyone is equal 
  • Karl Marx- Leading figure, father of communism

Women In Progressive Era

  • Second Class citezens
  • More women started to ge tmore ducation
  • Many became teachers
  • Pushed for 18th and 19th amendments- Prohibitions and Women's Sufferage
  • Seneca Falls Declaration- womens push started at this conference, 1848, plea end of discrimination, voting rights, prohbition, child labor laws, and rid of slavery

1912 Elections

  • Roosevelt ran for the progressive party bc they elected Taft for republican
  • William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson, and Eugene V. Debs
  • Because we had two republican presidents running (and Wilson), Conservate republicans vote for Taft and Progressive Republicans vote for Roosevelt & that means all democrates vote for Woodrow Wilson- meaning Wilson had 42% of all votes

T U E S D A Y- 

Who can't vote? Not registered to vote, under 18, if you're not a US citzen, can't have a felony, can't be declared mentally insane by the court. 

Ch 10. American Claims an Empire:

  • Great empires: Umayyad Caliphate, Yuan Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Spanish Empire, Russian Empire, Mongol Empire, British Empire (BIGGEST EMPIRE)
  • USA was never a huge empire


  • Diplomacy: How we deal with countries
  • Imperialism: Trying to extend ones territorie 
  • Militarism: Strong military spirit or policy
  • Nationalism: devotion and loyalty to one's own country; patriotism.
  • Sphere of Influence: any area in which one nation wields dominant power over another or others.
  • Protectorate: A bigger country protects a smaller one
  • Arbitration: Use of a third-party to make a decison for both parties


  1. Noninterventionist (policy of isolation)- US didn't get  involved in foreign affairs
  2. Isolationist- US acted alone in foreign affairs as compared to working w other nations
  3. Passive and Reactive- US waited for events to occur and then acted accordingly, if it didn't effect us, we wouldn't do anything
  4. Weak army and navy


  1. Imperialistic- Going out and conquering territory to create an empire, Alfred Mahan, Henry Cabot Lodge, Teddy Roosevelt all preached imperialism
  2. Strong army and navy- Militarism
  3. Interventionist

W E D N E S D A Y- 

  • Kim Reynolds won Iowa, 50%-47% 
  • Republicans win secretary of state
  • Democrates win House of represenatives 
  • Steve King won, 50%-47%
  • Very ten years, numbers change and some people do gerrymandering 
  • To vote: Register, show ID, 

T H U R S D A Y- 

Monroe Doctrine- A warning to Europe to stay out of the Western Hemesphere 

We have troops in 177 countries around the world, five countries we have troops in are: Japan, Germany, South Korea, Italy, Afghanistan, UK, Kuwait, Iraq, Spain, Guam, Turkey, Jordan, etc.  

We are stationed all over the world because of WWII and the Cold War- we also don't want countries that we're allied with to be invaded and become communist; also now days we are fighting terrorists

President Trump:

  • The US will be focused on "making America great again"
  • Generally belives that the US needs to lessen how much money we spend protecting other countries. the countries need to pay us more money for protection
  • Other countries in the United Nations need to step up and pay for the UN

Most powerful countries in 1900:

  1. Great Britain
  2. Germany
  3. France

- Austria-Hungary



-United States

-Ottoman Empire (Turkey)


Jim Acosta's white house press pass has been revoked. It was most likely because of how poorly he treated Trump's intern. 

F R I D A Y- 

Why did US and other coutnries look to imperialism?

  • Western fronteir was settles-1890
  • Brings military power and prestige to your country
  • Naval bases and refueling stations
  • Natural Resources ($$$)
  • Belief in cultural superiority - white mans burden
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