Monday- went over new map, Canada states and capitals. Went over third parties
Tuesday- republicans currenlty have 33 governers, while democraats have 16. this is the highest they've had. people are saying that there might be a big blue wave coming, and with the upcoming votes they might win the mid term elections. in iowa it is illegal to take a selfie in your booth with your ballot. you can take a selfie at the polling place, but not in the booth. the worst gerrymanderered states are maryland, pennyslvania, and texas.
anarchy and mixed econnomy
Wednesday- kim reynolds won against fred hubbell, 50% to 47% iowa flipped and benefited the democrats for the house of representatives. steve king won the house (50%) he was losing most of the time, but at the end he came over and won the vote. iowa's senators are still both republicans. senate- 51 republicans (they won) women did really well last night. a lot more women voted democrat since they are more pushing womens rights. age- if you're younger you are more likely to vote for democrats. minorities- 88% and 92% of black men and women voted democrats. and same with most of the other minorites, but republicans were doing fine because they had a lot more voters. some people are angry because they say that it is too hard to vote, and that's why some minorities don't get out and vote. the more education you have, the more democratic you lean.
Thursday- 13 people were killed in a California shooting. 11 innocent people, a police officer, and the shooter himself, Ian David Long. He went into a bar and started shooting. the shooter has had a big criminal history in the past but nothing was really done about that. in Iowa we are still dominated by republicans for state. donald trump says that he is a great negotiater, and can make many deals. jim acosta and donald trump are having issues over immigration
Friday- the other day donald trump fired, or asked the attorney general to resign. (jeff sessions). michelle obama's book is coming out soon, and it says that she will never forgive trump for questioning obamas nationality. he questioned if obama was born in in america, and he did the same thing to ted cruz. a dutch man is now legally fighting that he is not 69, but in fact hes 20 years younger. (49)