11-26 to 11-30

Media would emphasize the situation of Spain and Cuba. Theodore Roosevelt was the leader of the rough riders. They were a specialized cavalry unit in the army during the Spanish American War. There were 2 important battles in the war for the Rough Riders. During the Battle of Las Guasimas, the rough riders drove the Spanish away but had taken some casualties. William Sampson became an honorary decorate for his war efforts. Leonard Wood was of higher rank than Theodore Roosevelt. He was the mastermind of the creation of the Rough Riders. The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy statement that created separate spheres of spheres of European and American influence. The United States did not want anything to do with any foreign affairs especially in European affairs. The Western was closed to future colonization. The United States would consider a hostile act if any European nation tried to control or interfere a nation in the Western Hemisphere. The Roosevelt Callory was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine. Theodore Roosevelt popularized BIg Stick Diplomacy. Big Stick Diplomacy was negotiations backed up by force. Dollar Diplomacy was basically the granting of loans through guaranteeing loans to foreign countries. Dollar Diplomacy was a failure. Missionary Diplomacy was used extensively by Woodrow Wilson. 

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