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When the Spanish-American war ended, Spain ceded the Philippines to USA. Reasons for Annexation- it was believed Filipinos could not govern themselves. It will also give us opportunities to sell stuff to Asia. There was also the fear that if we did not take over the Filipinos, another country would. Some didn't care if we took over the Filipines or not, they just wanted to counter McKinley because they didn't like him. Emilio Aguinaldo was the leader of the Filipino nationalists to get independence rather than a change in colonial leaders. The US had big military advantages and trained soldiers. Philipines couldnt get support from the outside and they had constant shortages of weapons and ammo. The Philippines were also geographically difficult because they were islands and not connected. US forces burned villages, implemented civilian reconcentration policies, and tortured suspected Guerrillas. Policy of Attraction- Appealing to any Filipinos that didnt like Aguinaldo plans for the Philippines. Battle of Manila Bay is what caused Spain to surrender- No american fatalities. Took 5 hours 40 mins to complete. 

Boxer Rebellion- (Northern China) Chinese lost Shanghai and Hong Kong after multiple wars forced China to take Foreign control. The rebellion started in Northern China and moved the the Beijing Area. Led by a society of the Righteous and Harmonious fists, AKA the Boxers. They were nicknamed this because their training exercises were very physical. Qing Empress declared war on all foreign nations with ties to China. Boxers laid siege on the foreign district it lasted weeks with hundreds starved to death. The rebellion ended with the signing of the boxer protocol on September 7, 1901. Boxers lost. China could not import arms for two years and had to pay a 330 million dollars to foreign nations involved. 

Open door policy- Many countries were interested on Chinese trade because they had resources and a high population. The Open door policy only allows Chinese collect taxes on trade. It also allowed free trading opportunities in China where the powers maintains free access to treaty ports. America had control of CHinese trade and kindof had the "key" to trade. The policy created by America was what really saved China. If the policy wasnt made, European powers may have tried to take over China. Britain and Japan agreed to the policy, Frace, Germany and Russia were reluctant but Russia disagreed with a lot in the policy. Japan violated the policy in 1915.


We reveiwed. We discussed Segregation in the past as well as schooling back then. We reveiwed what people did for fun like circuses, parks in cities, sports, etc. How did progressives help people (Workers, women, voters, farmers, etc)? Q- What acts did progressives pass that are still effecting us today? A- Federal Trade Commision (anti-trust organisation), Womens right to vote, federal reserve banks, 16, 17 and 18th Amendments.

Spanish American war- What caused it? What were the effects? Open Door Policy- free trade with China for all countries + garenteed independence for China. Panama Canal- Importance? Problems? Outcome? Issues With Mexico- Describe an Issue we had with Mexico. (Tampico affair) How did the U.S. get Hawaii? Diplomacys- Monroe Doctorine? Big Stick Diplomacy? etc.


We discussed our next assignment. Find one example of a weapon of war or tactic used in WW1. Find One example of US propaganda used in WW1. Propaganda- Advertising for war or to join the military. Italy didnt become a country until like 1861. German tribes would cause problems but there was no Germany. Countries formed over time. Central Powers- Bad Guys.Allied Powers- Good Guys. Germany was one of the best powers in the world, but Britain beat them due to their massive navy. Germany did have a stronger land military. Austria Hungary broke apart into smaller countries because the people of Austria Hungary had many different Ethenic groups that were not loyal to the king. Central Powers were vey weak other than Germany. Bulgaria was just weak and the other countries were just falling apart.


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